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Worfield Endowed CE Primary School

'Growing in grace together'

Ofsted and Performance Data

Our Ofsted Inspection took place 16th-17th April 2024. The inspector concluded that Worfield Endowed CE Primary School continues to be a GOOD school.


The report highlights the many strengths of our school, in particular stating:


‘Pupils are polite and well mannered. Strong relationships, underpinned by staff who care for all who attend, help pupils feel safe in school.’


‘The school wants all pupils to do as well as possible including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). These high ambitions are realised particularly well in the core subjects.’


‘Pupils achieve well by the end of key stage 2 in reading, writing and mathematics. This

means they are well prepared for their next stage of education.’


‘The school understands the needs of pupils with SEND well. They are experts in identifying any barriers to learning pupils might have.’


‘The federation executive leaders work very closely with staff in school to ensure that a

committed and dedicated team works in the best interest of all pupils. Staff appreciate the

care and support shown to them, particularly in times of need. This is a praiseworthy aspect of the school.’


‘The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.’


The full report can be read by clicking on the link below. 


Performance Data