Who’s Who
Federation Executive Leadership Team
Executive Headteacher: Mrs. Claire Gaskin
Director of Inclusion & SEND: Mr D. Lavell
Director of Teaching & Learning: Miss E. Docherty
Federation Schools’ Business Manager: Mrs R. Dyke
Early Intervention Practitioner for The Trinity Federation
Mrs T. Phillips
Worfield Endowed CE Primary School Senior Leadership Team
Head of School: Mrs. Laura Anson
EYFS Lead: Mrs. Dodsworth
Teaching Staff:
- Mrs. Tarrant
- Mrs. Dodsworth
- Mrs. Anson
- Mrs. Bloore
- Mrs. Williams
- Mrs. Duffy
- Miss. Bradford
- Mrs. Green
- Mrs. Suter
Teaching Assistants:
- Mrs. Tranter
- Mrs. Weaver
- Mrs. Pumphrey
- Mrs. Galley
- Miss. Lloyd
- Mrs. Davies
- Mrs. Allen
- Mrs. Charnell
Support Staff:
- Mrs. Taggart - Administrator
- Mr. Bill - Caretaker
- Mrs. Dolan - Cleaner
- Mrs. Edwards - Cleaner
- Mrs. Pumphrey - Wrap around care
- Mr. Williams - Grounds maintenance
Catering Assistants
Supplied by AIP
Local Authority
Shropshire Council, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND.
LA School Improvement Advisor
John Rowe